How to train my dragon.

How to train my dragon.

Task 1: Sentence challenge!

Can you make a list of adjectives to describe the dragon?

Can you make a list of verbs to say what the dragon is doing?

Can you make a list of adverbs to describe how the dragon is eating?

Can you now write a sentence using a verb, an adverb and at least one adjectives?

Task 2 Use this story starter to write a story about the picture

The King had known that the gift he presented to his children on their 5th birthday was dangerous. He was prepared to take the risk of letting them own a pet dragon, however. One day, the twins would rule the kingdom together, and they would need all the help they could get. No-one could deny that a dragon was a powerful ally!

Before that day, though, the children had much work to do. They had to train their dragon!


13 thoughts on “How to train my dragon.

    • Hey Aryan. Check Miss E’s zoom timetable and see if she has an open slot for you to join. If she does, leave a comment on the session time you want.

    • Hi Aryan, we only scheduled you in for yesterday. I’m supposed to have Sio for this mornings session if you want to jump in?

  1. The King had known that the gift he presented to his children on their 5th birthday was dangerous. He was prepared to take the risk of letting them own a pet dragon, however. One day, the twins would rule the kingdom together, and they would need all the help they could get. No-one could deny that a dragon was a powerful ally!

  2. so they went off to train a dragon. But how are we even going to train a dragon we don’t even know how to. I guss were just gunna have to try.They tried dog toys cat toys and other animale staff but still can’t train it. then one of them said what if we ride the dragon to train it but dragons dont walk they fly. I mean why not fly it then but isn’t it dangerous I dont know said one of the twins. I’ve never tried well then lets ride the dragon and they finally traned the dragon after afew days.THE END

    Tina kemthong

    • Great writing Tina. I like how you kept on the topic of training the dragon and hearing the different ways that you trained him. Next time you can add in detail and be more specific on the things they did together. Puts depth into what you’re writing about.
      Keep it up Tina.

    • Thank you for sharing your work on the blog Tina! I like how you have continued on with the story starter you were given. I agree with Mr Paeniu. Put in as much detail as you can, so that you pull the reader in. Keep sharing your work!
      Mrs Wong

  3. Once upon time there was this kid and he lived with his mum and dad and his little sister and they all lived in this kingdom.Then him and his friends went to this hunted scary woods then they so far that they had a brake on the log in the woods they ate some snakes and had a drink of there water.After that they got up then they gep on walking to the end of the woods they thought that there animals in the woods then they heard this noise went pass this bush then it was his is friend then they were angry at him.Then it was night time then they all went to sleep then it was the morning they got up then they start packing up then they started to walk then they sawed this brightness then they started to run to the end of the woods then they sawed this drogon then they said that not the sun that are dragon then we can see the end then we went past the dragon then we ran then the dragon smelled us the we ran back to the kingdom.Then when they got to the kingdom then he remember what his dad said to him don’t be scared and stand your grounds then he stopped then turned around then he put his hand out and touch the dragon then he was the dragons friend then he was teaching the dragon.After that he was the king with dragon and this dragon was the king his name was king Quinn.


    • Interesting story Quinn lol. The sequence of the story flows and were able to add detail of your journey in parts of your writing. Make sure you full stops and punctuation in your writing. (I need to breath when reading you know lol)
      Great effort Quinn, and you’re NOT the man just yet dahahaha

    • Awesome job Quinn its nice to see you putting some of your work on the blog so we can all see it! I think a goal for you in your next piece of writing is to add more describing words!
      Mrs Wong

  4. Task 1
    Breathing fire
    3. Eating a rock Calmly
    4.the dragon has brown-eye and is breathing fire will eating a rock.🐉🐲🐲🐉🐉

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